
Splish Splash Swim School News Splash

Contact Us: Tony & Anita
01403 581 882 / 0774 5587 506 / 0776 5258 438

Wednesday 4:00 – 6:30, Saturday 11:15 – 1:45,  Sunday 11:15 – 1:15

Term Dates:
5th Sept – 19th December 2018(Half term break no swimming 24th , 27th & 28th October)
9th January – 3rd April 2019 (Half term break no swimming 20th , 23rd & 24th February)
24th April – 17th July 2019(Half term break no swimming 29th May 1st & 2nd June)

Starting times
No one should be in the pool building before 3:45 on Wednesday & 11:00 on Saturday &
Sunday, do not go onto the poolside until staff have arrived and are visible on the poolside.

First half term we concentrate on stroke techniques and a distance award, second part of the term we work through the Swim England Stages 1 to 6.

Progress Books & Certificates
Please hand in progress books before half term to be updated, Certificates will only be issued if £3.00 has been paid.

Changing Rooms
Please could all children use the changing rooms to undress and NOT change in the public gallery area. Boys who are aged 7 or over should not be in the girls changing rooms and vise versa, as it is not fair on the older children (we have children up to the age of 12).
Also please can Mums not go into the Boys changing rooms.

Reminders No Parents on the Poolside:
Please can parents and carers younger siblings not walk around the poolside to and from the changing rooms with their children unless they are still new in stage 1.
*Remind your children before they go onto the pool side to please WALK…………………

Children must not eat for at least 1 hour before their swimming lesson, we have had a couple of incidents where children have been sick in the pool. Save the snacks for after swimming, Not in the changing room!

Swimming Hats & Goggles
Swim Hats £3.00,
Goggles £8.00 to £12.00
Folders for certificates & badges £10.00.

Appropriate Swim Wear
Goggles only, no face masks, please replace regularly.
Boys – trunks only. No vests/tops or wet suits (only stage 1).
Girls – one piece costume only, or wet suits (only stage 1).
Girls & Boys – Swimming hats to be worn on all long hair, helps keep goggles on as well.

Mobile phones
No filming or photography allowed.

Talking to teachers
Please do not interrupt teachers while they are teaching, unless it is really urgent, please email or text if you need to find out about your child’s progress.

Keep safe and healthy over the holidays!

Tony, Anita, Lisa, Fiona, Leiana, Leah, James & Luke